From the course: Learning Wi-Fi

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Positioning an access point

Positioning an access point

From the course: Learning Wi-Fi

Positioning an access point

- [Scott] Once you acquire a wireless router, you'll need to unbox it and set it up. This includes plugging it into a modem, and plugging in other devices which require a wired connection. And while you're doing that, you'll need to place the router somewhere that will allow the wireless signal to cover the area where you want Wi-Fi. While it's tempting to stuff the router somewhere out of sight along with all the other little blinking boxes and coiled up cables, remember that Wi-Fi works best when you have a line of sight. Naturally, this isn't possible for all devices. So, let's consider how to position a router. The best place for a wireless router or access point is up high, away from any objects that might cause interference, or it might obstruct the signal. But for home networks, this often isn't practical. Putting the router on a pedestal in the middle of your living room would help guarantee a good signal,…
