From the course: Learning Wi-Fi

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Extending a network

Extending a network

- [Scott] One wireless access point gives us an area where we can use Wi-Fi. And for many people, this is just fine. Perhaps they want to cover their living room, or perhaps their apartment fits within the range that one access point provides. Sometimes though, we need to extend a Wi-Fi network further than one access point's broadcast range. This is especially true if there's a lot of interference, if there are materials that block the signal, or as is fairly common, the internet connection comes into a building at an inconvenient location, and that's where the modem, router, and Wi-Fi access point are located. To extend a Wi-Fi network, we have a few options which all operate by adding additional access points to the network, though the way they accomplish that varies. One option, if you already have ethernet cabling in the building or are able to safely run an ethernet cable to a different area, is to simply add another…
