From the course: Learning Go

Develop basic programs with Go - Go Tutorial

From the course: Learning Go

Develop basic programs with Go

- [David] The Go programming language was created at Google, but it's completely open source and free to whomever wants to use it. It's also being improved continuously, with new versions being released about every six months with new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Go's syntax is influenced by C and other C-style languages, but it emphasizes greater simplicity and concision in its syntax. And it's a strongly typed language that compiles to operating system-specific binary executables resulting in truly blazing runtime speed. You can build many kinds of software with Go, but it's particularly popular with developers who build solutions for cloud-based services. Among well known products, Go has been used on Docker, Kubernetes, Fedora CoreOS, and also on many other cloud-based products and services. My name is David Gassner, and this course is designed for software developers who want to become Gophers. That is programmers who use the open source Go programming language.
