From the course: Security Tips

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Configuring 2FA with 1Password

Configuring 2FA with 1Password

From the course: Security Tips

Configuring 2FA with 1Password

- [Instructor] It's always a good idea to use two-factor authentication when you can and luckily, there are some helpful apps to keep track of authentication tokens for you. Instead of carrying around a little hardware dongle to generate a TOTP, or timed one-time password, you can also use software on your mobile device to generate the code. I'd like to take a few minutes in this episode to talk about one of my favorite password managers, called 1Password, which also offers the ability to generate one-time codes for accounts that need to be secured. 1Password is available for iOS and Android, and you can download a desktop version as well. 1Password provides two methods for adding an account. This process is called enrollment and we enroll a device for an account. We can either scan a QR code or enter a secret manually. Depending on what your account provider offers, you'll need to use one of these options. Most of the time, providers will display a QR code which is by far the easier…
