From the course: Data Science Methodologies: Making Business Sense

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Challenge 2

Challenge 2

(soft upbeat music) - Here is your next challenge. You build the model and MVP application, in the first challenge in which the application was based on a dataset, about cars at the URL shown here. And the challenge was to come up with an app, that uses this data, to help car buyers or sellers, get a prediction on the acceptability of a car, they are interested in. Now you need to deploy the model and the MVP application on Heroku. Follow the idea of CD pipeline, starting with pushing your code onto Git, connecting your Git repo to Heroku, and then deploying it on Heroku server. Remember to first holds the model copy its URL on the staging server, so that you can put that in routes dot PI. And then push the web application code to Hiroko. Once you are done, watch my next video to see how I did it.
