From the course: Firewall Administration Essential Training

Build a secure network barrier with a firewall

From the course: Firewall Administration Essential Training

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Build a secure network barrier with a firewall

- [Sean] Why do you need a firewall? Well, have you ever connected to a network and been asked for personal information, or worse yet, connected to wifi without needing to enter a password, which certainly exposed everything you were doing to everyone around you who cared to look? Well if so, this course will build your knowledge bit by bit until you fully understand not only the threats on the networks around us, but also how to defend against them both as a user and by installing and administering your own firewall. I'm Sean Colins, and I've worked at the leading edge of technology through writing, speaking, training, and consulting for world-class enterprise organizations for over two decades, and I've leveraged all of that time and experience to bring you only the most important security-related information. If you're ready to protect your personal or corporate information by setting up a firewall, join me in my LinkedIn Learning course about firewall administration.
