From the course: Security Tips

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Block ads and trackers

Block ads and trackers

From the course: Security Tips

Block ads and trackers

- [Narrator] When you're browsing the web, your browser and sites you visit accumulate information about you in order to make your browsing experience smoother in some ways, and also in order to sell advertising, targeting information to companies that run ads on the sites you visit. Some of this information can be genuinely helpful to you. Information about you general location, language preference, information called cookies that contain things like your username for a given site, and so on, help keep things customized to your liking and make browsing a little bit nicer, but these same systems can be used to track you as well. A shopping site could look at your browser's stored data to see whether you visited a competitor, or some other website, and change their prices accordingly, and some advertising and social networks allow services like this to build up a pretty detailed picture of what your online activity looks like, and what kind of person you're likely to be. Some people…
