From the course: Learning Web Audio and Video

Create a new document

From the course: Learning Web Audio and Video

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Create a new document

- [Instructor] We'll now establish a project folder and create a new HTML document with standard boiler plate structures. We'll establish a documents head, body and the necessary meta data elements. As you can see, I already have a project folder established. I've simply called it project. You can call this whatever you wish and to actually open up your project folder inside of Visual Studio Code, all you need to do is just drag and drop inside of the window and as you can see, it's now open. I don't have any files in here yet so let's create a new file inside of our project by clicking on the new file icon. I'll name this new file index.html. With this index created, I'm going to insert some boiler plate code through copy and paste inside of my editor. Here we go ahead and define our document type as HTML. We set the language to English or EN and then we enter the head of our document. Every HTML document has both a head and a body. Within the head, we set the character set in a meta tag to utf-8. Inside of title, we can give this any sort of title we want. I'm just calling it audio and video because that's what we're covering in this course. I'm then using a style tag to define the bodies background color to a nice dark charcoal. We then close out the head and establish the body itself. The body is where any of the visual elements that we create including audio and video tags will appear. Let's go ahead and just add an extra line to our body to prepare for additional code. Be sure to save using file, save or control or command S. We now have a basic HTML document to work within.
