From the course: Developing Visual Campaigns

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What is a visual language

What is a visual language

- [Instructor] I often like to compare running a visual campaign to building a house. In chapter two we went through every step needed to define the scope of your campaign, which is similar to creating the blueprints to your house. In this chapter we're going to talk about creating a visual language for your campaign, which is like laying the foundation of your house. The visual language is the foundation that your entire campaign will rest on. A visual language is a cohesive, creative framework built around visual communication to reach a context campaign's specific goals and target audience. If you recall, visual communication graphically represents information to create meaning and relies on very limited text, if any at all. A visual language, in the simplest of terms, is the look and feel of that visual communication. The elements of visual communication, the fonts, colors, illustration, imagery and icons come together under one aesthetic direction, and united, create their own…
