From the course: Type Tips

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Using invisible paragraph rules on chapter opening pages

Using invisible paragraph rules on chapter opening pages

From the course: Type Tips

Using invisible paragraph rules on chapter opening pages

- [Instructor] Welcome to Type Tips, I'm Nigel French. And in this episode I have a tip for managing your chapter opening pages when working with long text flows. In this example I'm working with a novel made up of many chapters and I want each chapter opening page to have a bigger top margin, as we see here. Also I do not want the chapter opening pages to have the running header that all the other pages have. Now a typical way to approach this is to create a second master page that has a larger top margin and no running header and apply that to the chapter opening pages and that works okay until your pagination changes. So let me just show you how that setup works. I'll come to the Pages panel, go to my A-Master page, so I have here my running header and my page number, and then my B-Master page, which is based upon the A-Master page, is the same, except for two things. No running header and a bigger top margin. And you can see that the B-Master page has been applied to the chapter…
