From the course: Type Tips

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Spacing type around a circle

Spacing type around a circle

From the course: Type Tips

Spacing type around a circle

- [Nigel] Welcome to Type Tips. My name is Nigel French. In this episode, I want show you how to evenly space numbers around a circle and have those numbers read the right way up. Because if we just put type around a circle using the type on a path tool, then the numbers at the bottom of the circle are reading the wrong way. So, it is possible to evenly space your type around a circle using a repeating tab and a little bit of extra tweaking as well. But that's not what we want in this case. We want our numbers to read the right way up. And this involves a different technique. So, I want to show you how to do this in InDesign and then I'm also going to show you how we can do it in Illustrator, which uses a slightly different approach. Here is my starting point. I have a five-inch diameter circle and I have guides that mark its center point. So, the problem is we can't just rotate the text. What we need to do is create a frame for the text first of all. So, I will choose my rectangle…
