From the course: Type Tips

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Representing opposites through negative space

Representing opposites through negative space

From the course: Type Tips

Representing opposites through negative space

- [Instructor] Welcome to Type Tips, and in this episode, I'm going to show you how we can represent opposites or antonyms through the use of negative space. Here's my starting point. Now what I need here are two words that oppose each other, and that either have the same number of letters, or are within one letter difference. And I am going to essentially put one word inside the other. And this is going to be easier if I just type it all as one word. So coming to false, between the letters, I'm actually going to type in true. Now it might be easier just to see the second word temporarily in a different color. And now we can remove that. Now I need to really tighten up the spacing between them so that the letters touch. So I'll press command, or control + T to bring up my Character panel, and we'll start out by going to minus 100 tracking. And then I'm going to double click between each letter pair and adjust the kerning, the space between each letter pair. I should point out that in…
