From the course: Type Tips

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Creating an extruded shadow in Illustrator

Creating an extruded shadow in Illustrator

From the course: Type Tips

Creating an extruded shadow in Illustrator

- [Nigel] Hi, I'm Nigel French. In this week's Type Tip, I'm gonna show you how we can add extruded shadows to type in Illustrator and, at the same type, maintain that type as editable type. There are three techniques that I can think of. One would be to use the 3D Extrude and Bevel. A second would be to use the Blend tool. But the easiest way and the most flexible way and the way I'm going to show you is to use the Appearance Panel in combination with a transformation effect. So I'm going to move now to my second artboard, where I have just the type. Select the type, come to my Appearance panel, and from the bottom left of the Appearance panel, I'm going to add a new fill. I'll change the color of this fill, and then I'll come back and add a second new fill. I'll select the fill that is below and change its color to black. It's this fill that will become the shadow. With this fill selected, come to the Effect menu, Distort and Transform, Transform. Make sure the Preview checkbox is…
