From the course: Graphic Design History: The Bauhaus Movement

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Bauhaus overview: The Weimar years

Bauhaus overview: The Weimar years

- [Instructor] Although it's influence on design was seismic, and is still felt today, the Bauhaus as a school, had a short existence. The radical nature of the work, non-conformist appearance, and behavior of the master's and students, and constantly changing political scene in Germany, led to it's brief lifespan. In 1919, Walter Gropius merged the Weimar Institute of Fine Arts and the Weimar School of Arts and Crafts to establish the Bauhaus. The school opened with workshops in metalwork, bookbinding, weaving, printmaking, and painting. In 1920 Gropius added the wood and stone sculpture, pottery, cabinet making, glass painting, and wall painting workshops. Immediately Gropius recruited Johannes Itten, a Swiss master of form and color, Lyonel Feininger, who was a renowned painter and sculptor, and German artist Gerhard Marcks. This formed the nucleus of the full-time faculty of the school. Unfortunately, between 1920, and 1923, Johannes Itten and Gropius' relationship grew…
