From the course: Learn T-Shirt Printing and Design

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Advanced tips and tricks

Advanced tips and tricks

- [Tutor] If standard text looks boring to you, it does to me too. Why not try distressing it with a texture or incorporating a halftone directly in your design? With distressing, we are assimilating marks of age and wear, which really brings home the idea, that the design printed is actually part of the T-shirt. So here I am in Adobe Illustrator and I've got some basic text. I went with a nice, chunky font, set to All Caps, you can really see these effects. You could use any font, that you have installed on your machine. I also have this JPEG of a texture that I want to use. Now, I'm going to need some help with the Transparency panel. I can bring that up by going into the Window menu at the top, scrolling through and finding Transparency. You click on that, it's going to bring up the Transparency panel for you. Alright, so what I need to do is grab my texture and cover my text. I want to make sure every letter is covered by this texture, alright here we go. Now, I want to select…
