From the course: Building a GraphQL Project with React.js

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GitHub authentication tokens

GitHub authentication tokens

- [Ray] In order to work with the GitHub GraphQL API we'll need to create an authentication token. But that's a secret that will give an application access to the GitHub GraphQL data from within react. Now, before you do this, make sure that you're logged in to GitHub and that your email has been verified. So you need to go to the top right-hand side of the screen, to your little icon and then you're going to go to the settings right here. And then you want to scroll down to developers settings that is down here for me. And then you want to switch to personal access tokens. Now, here, you want to create a new access token. So let's go ahead and generate a new token here and you're going to need to define what type of permissions you're going to give your application that you can control the access in a number of different ways. I'm going to give you the minimal amount of permissions to read information. And so we'll click…
