From the course: Building a GraphQL Project with React.js

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Analyzing the React installation

Analyzing the React installation

- [Instructor] Create React App makes it easier to create a project by installing a lot of modules. So let's go over what we get when we use the application. Note, if you're comfortable with React installations you might want to skip over this video. So here's some of the modules that you get when you use Create React App. The first one is called Webpack. Now Webpack is a JavaScript bundler. Its main job is to manage how our applications are assembled and the loading of your different modules into an application. Next up is something called Bable. A Babel is a JavaScript compiler. It lets you write code with the latest JavaScript features and it will convert them so that it works with older browsers. Next is something called ESLint. ESLint is a JavaScript linter which analyzes your code against certain rules and helps you fix them. And you may need to install an extension which you can find right here. This one is for…
