From the course: Data Science on Google Cloud Platform: Exploratory Data Analytics

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Adding new packages

Adding new packages

- [Instructor] Given that you are using Python notebooks as a part of Datalab, you might want to install additional packages to help in your analysis work. Installing additional packages is very easy to do. For example, let's say we want to use MongoDB as part of our exploratory data analysis project for reading and writing data. We need to install the package Mongo. We can do so by following these steps. Open a new notebook. Create a code block that doesn't exist already, and execute the pip command as an OS command. So in this case, it's exclamation P-I-P install Mongo. And then just run the command. As you can see, it is now installing MongoDB similar to how it will install from the command line, and it said it has successfully installed Mongo. Now, this package is ready for use in any of your Datalab projects.
