From the course: Google Universal Analytics Essential Training (2020)

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Site content

Site content

- [Voiceover] The site content reports within the behaviors section help us to understand which pages are performing well and are getting users' attention, and which pages might be struggling for engagement. So we come down here, we're under the behavior section in the site content drill down, and then all pages report. This general layout should look familiar with this data over time graph on top, and then the data table below. Notice, however, that the default metric is now page views, which is, as we said before, just a counter of any time anyone loads a page, this increases, and the primary dimension is the path to those individual pages. And this page's dimension is made up the location of the pages in your site when you look up here, your standard URL, you've got your domain, and then after the domain, here is the location. This thing is sometimes known as a URI or request URI, and this is what we're going to be looking at down here for the page location. Now here in the all…
