From the course: Google Universal Analytics Essential Training (2020)

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- [Narrator] When we left the last video we noticed that the referrals to our sites had some pretty impressive traffic quality metrics. We wanna dig in a little bit further. For that, there's actually an entire report devoted just to referrals, which we'll open here. And then under the acquisition section called referrals. Go ahead and close navigation, so we can see the whole thing. Now recall that referring sites is simply a fancy way to describe sites that link to yours. In other words, sites that refer traffic to your site. Google Analytics has the ability to detect that incoming visit from a link and record which page sent the link as the referring site. From then on, anything that's done during this visit, goal, transaction, will be credited or attributed back to that referring source. We see here a data table that lists all the sites that referred traffic to us via a link. YouTube, here is a dominant source. You can see from the small 37% in parenthesis that this single…
