From the course: Google Universal Analytics Essential Training (2020)

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Different ways to view data

Different ways to view data

- [Instructor] Google Analytics not only records the data for each visit, it gives us tremendous power and flexibility in how we can view and analyze the data that's being stored in this database. This video's gonna show a few of the most common and useful ways we can view and visualize the data. So for example, let's start out here. We're down at the channels report. We come under Acquisition, All Traffic, and click on Channels. Now, this is one of my favorite reports. In fact, this is the first one I'm gonna go to if I have a new client 'cause it provides so much information about the current state of the site, and how they generate, engage, and convert their traffic all in one convenient report. So we have all of our traffic segmented into these dimensions, these rows here. In the primary dimension, it says the Default Channel Grouping that's gonna represent the ways the visitor came to our site. Now, on the other side of the table, these columns or metrics are split into three…
