From the course: Google Universal Analytics Essential Training (2020)

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Create and apply persistent segments in reports

Create and apply persistent segments in reports - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: Google Universal Analytics Essential Training (2020)

Create and apply persistent segments in reports

- We said that segmentation is the key in the first step to any analysis. Now Google Analytics is overloaded with segmentation options for us to isolate those certain groups of traffic. For example, it's easy to come here in the location report then go into our audience and then down here in the Geo and Location and here we can see our users split out by country or we could select city or as we've seen before we can head over here to acquisition to one of my favor reports the Channels report to understand how our users are coming to our site. We can individually click on one of these and we can see a subsection of those so where exactly the landing page that they're coming in to these direct ones are. But what if you wanted to combine these? Going back to the main Channel report what if you wanted to see the most popular countries that users are from that reach the website from these particular channels? Coming back here and click all that would bring me back to the main Channels…
