From the course: Google Universal Analytics Essential Training (2020)

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- [Instructor] In the channel's report under the All Traffic dropdown, this is in the Acquisition section here, we can see detailed metrics in the key channels that drive user traffic to the site. I'm gonna go ahead and close this navigation panel, so we have a little more room for our analysis. Now, anyone who's serious about digital marketing should be able to immediately answer a question such as, what is your best performance force for traffic, what is your worst. Which channel or medium sends you the most traffic? Which channel gets you the best bang for your buck? Even questions like how is your offline marketing comparing to your online sources? All of these are relatively easy once you get the hang of making these acquisition reports really work for you. In this case we've got seven channels here in the default channel category dimension, this is where we're gonna group these different channels together. Sorting by the highest number of users, we're gonna start with organic…
