From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

Using the exercise files

- If your membership includes it, I've put together a collection of exercise files. This includes both video footage and a time lapse sequence. This material was created in our course here, available in the online library, about shooting action sports. Feel free to watch that class if you'd like to learn more production techniques. There are two folders, and I recommend that you download both. The first folder is a smaller folder, and it contains footage that's in the camera native state. This is more compressed and will be useful as we start to work with processing the footage and getting it ready to edit. Additionally, there's an optimize media folder that has all of the trimming and geometric conversions done, and it's been transferred to the codec from GoPro. The GoPro CineForm codec. A codec is a compressor de-compressor, and it's what's needed to make the file ready to use on the computer. This folder is substantially larger, so give yourself enough time to download it, but it is going to be quite useful so that you have the same material if you want to learn to edit. If all you're interested in doing is optimizing media, then you can get by with the first folder, or perhaps some of your own footage. If you'd like to learn more about actual editing, I'd encourage you to download the second folder of information. There is a third folder available, and that will be a time lapse sequence. This will allow you to explore the time lapse work flow of assembling multiple shots to create a finished movie. Time lapse photography allows you to see things that are difficult to see with the naked eye, such as the passing of time. And they are a beautiful way to see our world. I'll walk you through that work flow a little later. Alright, make sure you download those files if you have access to them, if not, be sure to grab some of your own media. And now, let's begin to explore preparing footage and editing it from your GoPro camera.
