From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

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Installing the application

Installing the application

- Once your software is downloaded, it's pretty simple to install. Just locate the downloaded files. Just locate the downloaded file. It might be available in your downloads folder or your web browser may have a shortcut. In this case I'm on a Macintosh system, so it's a disc image. But you may see a zip file or an executable, depending upon your operating system. Double-click to open that, and you'll see that it launches an installer. Double-click to install Quik and GoPro desktop. You'll be asked to read through the introduction. Make sure you take a look at the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, if you have any concerns about the legal terms that you are agreeing to. When you click continue, it will tell you what's being installed. In this case, GoPro Quik giving you a fast and easy way to work with clips and GoPro Studio for more professional control. We'll explore both of these today, but I'm going to focus a little bit more on GoPro Studio. As a starting point, where you…
