From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

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Changing frame rates

Changing frame rates

- A lot of times when you shoot on the GoPro, you can shoot at different frame rates. This will vary by each different recording format, but higher frame rates can be used for a couple of reasons. A faster frame rate is a good way to control light in the scene, so if you are shooting in bright conditions, your GoPro might shoot at a higher frame rate to maintain proper exposure. That's because it's a fixed aperture camera that can't really adjust for light, so it adjusts the shutter speed to affect things. Which is effectively the frame rate here. Other times, it might go the opposite direction for low light and slow the shutter speed down to let in more light by shooting at a lower frame rate. In any case, we can change the frame rate. Sometimes even for creative purposes. In the column here, you'll see that we have some material shot at 120 frames per second. Let's go here to the trick and take a look at that part here where he does the flip. Great. What I'm gonna do now is go to my…
