From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

Applying geometric corrections to clips and improving fish eye - GoPro HERO Tutorial

From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

Applying geometric corrections to clips and improving fish eye

- In GoPro Studio, besides just trimming clips, you can actually change the perspective of the clip. For example, we can apply a geometric correction to remove some of the wide-angle distortion. Let me show you how. Let's take a look at some of the clips here and locate one where the wide-angle distortion is very prevalent. In this case here, I could really see it in that we have some curved lines on things that should really be straight. Now, let's mark out a little bit of this shot. I'll press the Play button, mark an in point, let it go a little bit, we got nice slow motion, looks great, and we'll take it through the end of the action and out. Now, if we look at this, we can make some small adjustments. So for example, I'll click on Advanced Settings, and here we can deal with some additional processing. Now, we'll talk about the image size and frame rate and speed a little later. But for right now, I'm gonna check the box to Remove Fisheye and click OK. And what this will do is compensate for some of that distortion. When the clip is converted, it's gonna remove the fisheye effect, or the curved lines here. Let's add that clip to the Conversion List. If needed, you can select existing clips in the Conversion List and choose Remove Fisheye. In fact, if you want, you can even say to remember that for future clips. There we go. Now the fisheye effect is going to be removed. Let's convert these clips here, and they're going to be corrected with the fisheye removed. We'll talk about some of the other adjustments in just a moment, but let's see what this does. Let's go ahead here and go to Step 2 for a moment. Take a look at that clip, and hit Play. And you see that the lines are straight. Let's check another one here. Same thing, a lot of the wide-angle fisheye effect had been compensated for. All right, let's go back to View & Trim, and that ability to remove wide-angle distortion is quite handy. Now though, I'd like to move on to something a little bit different. In this case, let's talk about some clips that have SuperView.
