From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

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Applying effects and comparing with a split

Applying effects and comparing with a split - GoPro HERO Tutorial

From the course: Preparing GoPro Footage for Editing

Applying effects and comparing with a split

- As you make adjustments, it might be useful to reference the original shot, compared to the new shot. This can be done with a temporary split. Let's go here, to another shot, and I want to adjust this a little bit. I'm gonna bring down the exposure just slightly. Boost the color and the sharpness. And use my white balance here, to choose a new white point. That's looking better. And for comparison, I can use the split slider to drag through. This let's me see the before, and the after, which can be really helpful for judging how things are coming along. Use the split view, if you're working with others and want to get collaborative feedback, or just to check from time to time, how the adjustments are turning out. Alright, now that you've got this down, let's move on to adjusting framing, so we can remove distracting objects in a shot.
