From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Use shields for repos

Use shields for repos - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Use shields for repos

- [Instructor] Shields are a visual way to display some information related to your projects. You can see them in this Status section here on the Bootstrap website and they're pretty easy to build. There's a website that specializes on doing that called So I'm going to scroll down here to this Version link and then I'm going to scroll down to where it will say GitHub package.json version. I'm going to click on this and then I'll type in my username and then I'll type in one of my repo projects. Now, soon as I do that you can see that it's showing you the little sample label right here and you can choose from a number of different styles for your badge and even change the different colors and the labels if you want to. Now, once you do that you can click right here to copy the badge URL. Now that's just going to be a simple link to the badge. If you click on this dropdown, you can also copy the markdown…
