From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Start a new project with npx and degit

Start a new project with npx and degit - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Start a new project with npx and degit

- [Instructor] Let's say you want to create a new project based on a current GitHub repo. You're probably thinking of a couple of things that you could do, but let me show you a really nice shortcut. I'm going to switch over to a terminal and make sure that I'm on the desktop and then I'm going to issue an npx degit and then the name of the user. This doesn't have to be your user, so this is good for if you want to make a copy of a project that is not set up as a template, and then I'm going to put the name of the project, and then I'll give this project a new name. I'm going to hit Return, and very quickly you'll see that it made a copy of this repository and it's sitting now on my desktop. Now, you may have noticed that it did it really quick, and it has the full project. One of the things that's happening here is that it's making a copy of the project without any of the project history. So this is a lot better…
