From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Organize utility templates

Organize utility templates - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Organize utility templates

- [Instructor] In GitHub, you can create special templates that will be displayed when users do certain tasks. They can live in a special folder called .github. Let's create an issue template for this repo, so that when users create a new issue, it will display that content. To create a file, I can use the Create a New File button right here, and when you want to create a subdirectory instead of a file, you can type in the name of the subdirectory. I'll type in .github, and then I'll put a slash, and it creates the folder for me. And then I can type in the name of the file. Now, this will be, and then I can type something in here. So, I'll say. Now, let's go ahead and commit this file. And let's go to the Issues tab, and I'll create a new issue. Notice that when I create the issue, the text appears automatically right here. So users will see this information automatically. There's a few other items…
