From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Multi-line highlights

Multi-line highlights - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Multi-line highlights

- [Ray] Here's a cool tip that you could do with the editor. Let's say you're in a file like this and you want to highlight some code for another project. Now what you could do is click on the line numbers and when you do that it'll highlight the current line number but you can also hold down the shift key if you want to highlight more than one line number to select a series of line numbers. You can see the three little dots right here. This is going to allow you to copy these lines and also create a permalink. So this will be a link that shows these items already highlighted. That can be a way of communicating with somebody else to highlight a section of a document. So if we open up a new tab, and we paste that permalink, it's going to show the same page with those line numbers already highlighted. You can also reference this in a new issue so it's a great way of preparing some information for an issue as well.
