From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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GitHub open-source metrics

GitHub open-source metrics - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

GitHub open-source metrics

- [Instructor] You probably know about the stars and forks metric, which are right at the top of your repository. Let's dig into a few more insights that are available in this insights tab. Now the traffic section is the closest equivalent to what you see on something like Google Analytics. You can see how many clones have happened of your repository in a specific timeframe. And you can also take a look at the number of visitors to your repository in a specific time period. There's also a section for referring sites, so that you know where your users are coming from. Another fun metric to check is the forks that are based on your project. You can do that by clicking on this forks tab, or clicking on the forks number right here. There you can see who else has forked this project and in addition to that, you can take a look at their project and see how it differs from yours. Now one metric not listed in this section is who has…
