From the course: Network Automation Quick Start


- [Instructor] I wanna welcome you to this Python 3 for Network Engineers course. This course is not like other Python courses. This course focuses on network automation and network programmability using Python version 3. The course starts off by getting you to configure and automate network devices as quickly as possible, so within 20 minutes, you'll be able to automate network devices using Python. Now, in the beginning, you may not understand every command used or every Python term. Don't worry about that. Later in the course there's a theory section that teaches you the foundations of Python. I've taught thousands and thousands of network engineers Python and in my experience, the best way for you to get started is to simply start automating network devices. So, once again, in this course, I'm gonna get you automating network devices as quickly as possible. We not going to spend a lot of time initially talking about the theory of Python. That will come later. I'm a firm believer in practical learning and this has been validated by the experience of thousands of others that I've taught Python network automation. The best way for you to get started is to just start automating. Think about it, when you were a child, did you go to school or university to learn to ride a bike? Probably not. You learned to ride a bike by riding a bike and I believe the same principle applies to many things in life including learning programming and network automation. Once you see how quickly you can start automating, you'll hopefully be inspired to learn more and to continue down this path learning more and more about Python and network automation. The course, however, concentrates on Python version 3. Other courses that I've created concentrate on Python 2.7. But because Python 2 is reaching end of life, I'm going to concentrate on Python version 3 in this course. This course is practical, it's hands on and use GNS3 for the practical labs. Now, you don't have to use GNS3, you could use physical equipment if you wanted to but you do need network devices if you wanna automate networks. So, you'll either need Cisco Viral or some other type of Cisco Images in GNS3 or physical equipment to automate. GNS3, however, makes this process very easy. You can simply import devices and create topologies in GNS3, so it makes it very easy to learn and make mistakes and continue learning without impacting live networks. - [Narrator] Lift off. - [Instructor] So, let's get started automating networks.
