From the course: GIMP Essential Training

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Transform text

Transform text

- [Instructor] When it comes to transforming text layers in GIMP, there are a couple of quirky behaviors that you should be aware of. These aren't major problems, but it can save you a little frustration to know about them in advance. The first one is with regard to moving text on the canvas, if I want to click and drag this text to reposition it. By default, I have to actually precisely click on a letter, and then drag. I can't click and drag in between the letters, or above, or below them, even if my cursor is within the layer boundary, and the layer is selected, and even if every other layer in the document is hidden, I still won't move the text. You can see that the underlying layer moved here, so I'll undo, and tell you that you can get around this behavior pretty easily, just by holding the shift key, before you click, and drag. Notice in the tool options, when I press, and hold shift, the toggle tool setting switches to move the active layer. Now, as long as the text layer is…
