From the course: GIMP Essential Training

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Explore GIMP preferences

Explore GIMP preferences - GIMP Tutorial

From the course: GIMP Essential Training

Explore GIMP preferences

- [Instructor] You can do a lot to customize GIMP by adjusting its preferences so let's see how to do that. To open GIMP's preferences here on the Mac I'll go to the GIMP menu, or on Windows, you can find Preferences in the Edit menu. And you can see there are several tabs in this dialog box each containing a separate group of settings. I'm going to just highlight a few things here to show some of the ways of customizing GIMP, and I'll revisit other preferences in later movies. In Interface preferences you can select a theme to set the brightness for the whole user interface. Right now we're in the Dark theme, but we could choose Gray, or Light, or System. I'll go back to Dark. In Toolbox preferences you can select which tools appear in the Toolbox, and rearrange them. So if you don't use, for example, the Measure tool very often, and you want to make room for another tool you can turn that off by clicking its visibility icon, and notice the Toolbox updated immediately. To rearrange…
