From the course: Fusion: Creating Motion Graphics

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Adding depth of field

Adding depth of field

- [Narrator] Getting your footage imported and merged is only the first part of the solution getting that final shot created. What we need to do is turn on some metadata and really make some good use of it and we'll start by turning on the z depth and the foreground ball image and seeing what else we need to construct here in Fusion for the rest of it and getting some depth of field going. If we take a look at our ball foreground, selecting it and pressing one to show it in the monitor, we can see our ball roughly, well, there it is little more than halfway in in this shot forward to frame 36. In our EXRs then they carry their metadata in layers in EXR as opposed to split out in separate image sequences. I'll go into the format tab on this loader and open up the channels and what we can see in here is that in each of these channels we can pick what is assigned to that channel in terms of incoming metadata. RGB and A are going to stay where they are, but I'll fly out Z and we can see…
