From the course: Cert Prep: Autodesk Fusion 360 User

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Working with advanced modeling tools

Working with advanced modeling tools - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Cert Prep: Autodesk Fusion 360 User

Working with advanced modeling tools

- Advanced sketch features can use more than one sketch to develop a feature. Other advanced tools might be used to build a feature for multiple existing features. In Fusion 360, defining a complex shape, while maintaining a precise level of control, requires using tools like Loft and Sweep. To start a Loft feature you need at least two profiles. Under the Create pull-down, I'll start Loft and begin selecting circular profiles. As I select, a preview will appear. When I select the third profile, you'll see the shape transition from having straight sides to curved sides. Then, selecting the fourth profile, it transitions again. So when I'm comfortable with the shape, I can keep it, or I can make modifications. For example, on the fourth profile, I can change the direction calculation from "Free" to establishing a precise direction. I can also establish a takeoff weight. The higher the weight, the greater influence it will have on the shape of the part. When I click "Okay", it will…
