From the course: Design for Additive Manufacturing: FDM

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Support material and build plate adhesion

Support material and build plate adhesion - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Design for Additive Manufacturing: FDM

Support material and build plate adhesion

- [Instructor] Let's explore optimizing a print with Cura. I've talked a lot about different print variables so far in the course. I want to take some time to specifically point out where some of these settings are and how to change them. First, let's deal with support and build plate adhesion. Go to the file folder to open a file and from the exercise files choose optimize one. This is a scan of the Stanford bunny. Zoom in here to get a closer look and let's swap from the recommended print set up to the custom print set up. We're going to use the normal profile. The profile affects many things but the primary variable is layer height and time. Okay, so let's take a closer look at our support settings. The variable that we have available is generate support. Let's click on the gear to get a few more available to us. I'm going to add support overhang angle and choose close. Then when I turn on generate support, my support overhang angle option is also here. Let's switch in to the layer…
