From the course: Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Object snap in forms

Object snap in forms

- [Instructor] Welcome to another Fusion 360 Tips, Tricks, and Techniques. This week we are going to discover object snap in edit form. Notice in this design I have two sketches. I'm going to head up to create, and create a face. And here, object snap is also available. So let me enable this, and turn off the visibility of sketch two. So notice as I hover over this sketch, a black dot follows my cursor. In addition, we are snapping on this object, which is a sketch. So take note, object snap works only with sketch entities. In addition, it doesn't snap to sketch points. Now I'll drop our first point. So I'm going to have this black dot onto this corner. Next I'm going to left click. Let's move to the left, moving my cursor up, going to this corner, left click once more. Now heading down, and moving my cursor over here to pull this black dot on this corner. Left click, and let's move to the left, and left click once…
