From the course: Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Mouse pan, zoom, and orbit preferences

Mouse pan, zoom, and orbit preferences - Fusion 360 Tutorial

From the course: Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Mouse pan, zoom, and orbit preferences

- [Instructor] Hi, everyone, and welcome to another Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques. I was initially a SOLIDWORKS user and is now also using Fusion 360. And in SOLIDWORKS, there's a difference between mouse pan and orbit with Fusion 360. Recall in SOLIDWORKS, to pan, it's simply holding Control and your middle mouse button. And for orbit, it's holding our mouse wheel. And these two gestures are both different with Fusion 360. And I can retain this mannerism from SOLIDWORKS into Fusion 360. Let's head over to Fusion 360. I have here the same file coming from SOLIDWORKS. Notice here to rotate this model, in Fusion 360 we need to hold Shift and our middle mouse. And to pan, it's the opposite. It's simply holding our middle mouse button. And to retain that gestures in SOLIDWORKS, all we need to do is head up to our profile. Under Preferences, General, and here notice we have pan, zoom, orbit shortcuts. And from…
