From the course: Fusion 360 Essential Training

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Measurement tools

Measurement tools

- [Instructor] In addition to the analysis tools, it's also very good to take measurements. The Measurement tool is kind of fun to use inside of Fusion 360 because it is a pretty smart tool in terms of you can click on many different things and find a relationship between them and the tool will just figure it out. I've loaded up the 5-3 Exercise File here and under Inspect, we have Measure. Also hotkey I for Inspect. Also, up here at the top. Obviously, Fusion thinks that you're going to be using this a lot so they put it right on the top. When you click on this, you have some filters if you want to do Face, Edge or Vertex or Bodies or Components and Precision. We'll look at that. But the nice thing is is that if you click on anything, I'm going to click on this edge right here, it will give you pertinent information about it. This edge is 59.866 millimeters because our precision is to three decimal points. A lot of times you'll want to model in what I believe is a nice system of the…
