From the course: Fusion 360: Designing for Plastics

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- [Instructor] Fillets are a common feature on any type of molded part or even on metal parts. Fusion 360 can Fillet edges and it can also use features to break sharp edges. Let's complete our part design by rounding off some of the sharp edges. We'll be focusing on the interior. First, we'll just start the Fillet tool or use the press pull tool to select the outside edges of our screen support. We can drag a radius, but I want a radius of three. I'll use the marking menu to repeat the press pull tool. When I do this it will restart the press pull tool and it will finish the previous one by selecting an edge, it automatically turns back into the Fillet tool and I can pick the inside corners of my screen support as well as the outside perimeter. I'll set this radius value to one. We'll click okay to complete it and now let's use a different approach on Fillets. I'll start the Fillet feature and I'll switch the type from…
