From the course: Cert Prep: Autodesk Fusion 360 User

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Creating a 2D sketch

Creating a 2D sketch

- [Instructor] The sketch is the core of a parametric solid model. Geometric and dimensional constraints control the size of features and make it easy to edit the components. The sketch-based workflow also offers a high degree of flexibility for making significant changes to the model geometry. In Fusion 360, I'll double-click on the sketching component in the Fusion certification project to open it. With the model open, I can close the data panel. Orbiting around the model, I can select any face to begin a sketch on. From the marking menu, I'll select the sketch tools to create a two point rectangle on the side face. This will bring the face normal to the screen, and I can begin sketching. As I begin sketching, I can start adding dimensions or simply select points to place the rectangle. Once the initial shape is created, I can add dimensions and relate the position of the sketch to the model, entering values to make updates. I can also use other sketch geometry to create…
