From the course: Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

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Component color cycling

Component color cycling

- [Tutor] Hi everyone and welcome to another Fusion 360: Tips, Tricks and Techniques. Today we are going to discover component color cycling. I have a model here taken from Alex Hammel's, Inventor, rendering and animation. By default, when you are modeling in Fusion 360, the color of your model will be this grayish color. This default appearance is defined in our preferences, under material this is Steel satin, let me cancel and head up to inspect, and select component color cycling. So the shortcut Key is Shift + N, selecting this so notice the component color cycling toggle is a big help in differentiating components with each other. So notice the two identical turbine blades, which both are in the color of blue, same here with our wing and our rudder. In addition, the color applied to the components matches the features on the timeline. And finally notice as I select this base feature, we (mumbles) this orange…
