From the course: Full Stack Web Development with Flask

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Creating navigation links and route patterns

Creating navigation links and route patterns - Flask Tutorial

From the course: Full Stack Web Development with Flask

Creating navigation links and route patterns

- [Instructor] Creating navigation links and routing patterns. In this video, we're going to create a navigation menus for our application. And we'll do that by using something called a URL for function to resolve links. We'll also be exploring the route decorator to bind a function to one or more URL patterns on the website. So for example, the following three patterns can be linked to a routed to a single file, single HTML file. It will also look at a few of the Jinja delimiters, the statements, expressions and the comments. And finally, we'll explore some of the if statements in Jinja as well. So let's go and do the code and see how these are done. Now, before we create our navigation menu, I'm going to go in the load source file from the folder in the desktop. Inside these source files here, I have a folder includes, have a navigation menu here. And I'm just going to drop this into the application so let's go…
