From the course: Full Stack Web Development with Flask

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Creating documents and data

Creating documents and data

- [Instructor] Creating Documents and Data. In this video we are going to create collections to store our documents or data. and we're going to insert some data into these collections using the Mongo command, #shells. So here are some methods of you can use to create collections, also to insert data into the collection and two different ways. One is to use the Insert Function that allows you to insert single way or many and the other one is, Insert Many. And there's another one that's insert, allows one document, But these are very common commands if you're using the Mongo shell commands. And if you have a series of data like in the JSON format, then you want to use this mongoimport, executable file, to run and then you can import that directly into the database. And below here is a tool commands that you can use. Actually it's the same one, but one it says using the Shortcut Key to, kind of shorten the typing here.…
