From the course: Full Stack Web Development with Flask

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Creating the courses page

Creating the courses page

- [Instructor] Creating the Courses page. In this video, we're going to create this Courses page which we created earlier on, but the data we created earlier were actually coming from an object that we created inside the file. This time we're going to make a query against the database to pull the data from there, and then we're going to populate the course template with this data from the database. So if you go to database, you add new data, it's going to be entered here automatically. So let's go and implement this. Alright, so here in the database just to make sure that we have five courses only, and all these fields here, as you can see, should match our form, our model. If there's any changes we have to modify that. The only thing I can see here might be an issue is the courseID with a capital ID here, so we might have to change that to match it either in here or in the form. So I don't like this, so I'm going…
