From the course: Full Stack Web Development with Flask

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Accessing data via request and response objects

Accessing data via request and response objects - Flask Tutorial

From the course: Full Stack Web Development with Flask

Accessing data via request and response objects

- [Instructor] Accessing Data via Request and Response Objects. In this video, we'll be looking at two global objects called the Request and Response. But, before we do that we got to look at something called the URL variables and see what they are, and we'll also look at two of the most common HTTP methods called the GET and the POST and we'll dive a little bit deeper into the Request and Response objects and also, got a little note here saying that both the Request and Response objects are all JSON API format. So, here at the Request object, usually you can use that to get data or access data using the GET method, so, you are using something called the args object to get the data and there are two methods to do that and if you are using a web form and you are posting that in the POST method, then you want to use the form object instead of the arguments or the args. So, that's pretty straightforward. Now, the…
