From the course: Personal Finance Tips Weekly

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The introvert’s guide to earning more

The introvert’s guide to earning more

From the course: Personal Finance Tips Weekly

The introvert’s guide to earning more

- We often think of the best negotiators and sales people as having these big brash personalities. Those people just love to talk about themselves and inflate their accomplishments in a way that is anathema to introverts. Does mean that introverts are doomed to under earn their flashier colleagues? Not at all. So, how can introverts harness their natural skills to earn more? Number, prepare. When we're anxious, anything that comes as a surprise, even something totally banal registers in our brain as a potential threat. For introverts that anxiety can act as an overstimulating distraction. To bring down the mental noise, it helps to prepare ahead of time. If you're negotiating your salary, determine how much other professionals in your area earn for similar responsibilities. Know what you contribute to your organization's bottom line. If you're negotiating a business deal, do market research and get familiar with typical terms. Two, practice. Unless you negotiate on a regular basis…
